These past two months have been an emotional roller coaster for me and today, I find myself just a bit shy of having a complete piece. But I figured it was better to post my "almost there" piece, than not at all.
This piece is called "Empty Promises" in response to some of the disheartening behavior I've witnessed this past month that's very negatively impacted one of my children. I really do not like it when people say one thing but do the very opposite, especially to the detriment of a child. I originally wanted to make the background black to match my mood, but I've already posted a black piece and I don't want to be a kill-joy. So instead, I made this one out of a purple batik that, surprisingly, I really like. I hope you can see that all the letters have been cut out. The letter theme allowed me to put into writing exactly how I felt.
Because of all the "stuff" going in my life I didn't get as far along on this as I would have liked; I still have to finish the insides of all the letters and add the binding. I think I'm going to paint the insides to prevent fraying. All this is going to take me longer than I have today, hence the "almost there" descriptor. Though it's not finished, I like this piece and I look forward to completing it. I have lots of ideas percolating as a result of my work on this one.
"Empty Promises" by Vivien Zepf