Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Next Challenge - TIME
O Canada!!!

So, here is my take on the music theme - I call it "O Canada!"
The white background is monoprinted (THANKS Melanie Testa for the challenge), I reverse appliqued the large maple leafs and then stamped the smaller ones with a stamp I cut out of sticky back foam. I wrote some of the words of our anthem all over, quilted a heart around (not sure I'm liking that part though). I laid the red chiffon over the whole piece, then stitched around the title - I printed off the letters on the computer and put them on tracing paper to sew around them. The music has stitched lines but hand painted notes. I used two different colours of red to quilt but I am still thinking of adding another one.....its been on my design wall talking really loud! So, before the facing is done more will be done I think.
THANK YOU for being patient with me. Some detail shots on MY BLOG.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Blue Sky Serenade

I have not yet stitched this piece, but when I do, I will post an image of the final piece.
To listen to the song, Blue Sky, that inspired this piece, visit my husband's website www.patrickkeating.net

tHANKYOU FOR all you help regarding the post of this..if in fact it is posted
The first thing I thought of was sweet rock and roll and my ticket to see Bruce Springsteen! These are the first few notes of "Backstreets"
I had great fun with the materials I used inclusding a scarf, felt, plush zebra fabric rock and roll makes me feel free to do WHATEVER! In a colorful way of course
Saturday, April 3, 2010
pianisimo, lentamente, forte, staccato = mah jong music
Friday, April 2, 2010
Musical Text
As I noted in my previous post -- this was a difficult theme for me. But, nudged by my development of an online course, I took a quite literal approach using the letters M, U, S, I, C and tried to develop a jazzy kind of composition that has auditory noise and rhythm to give it that musical quality.
This art quilt was pieced with ink-jet transfer designed fabrics, hand dyes and some scraps of soy wax batik fabrics. I love the painterly quality of the letters blurred by the transfer method.
Lady Bug Tracks
We've experienced devastating weather in the Northeast these last two months. So much of what we heard was the crack and crash of falling trees and limbs, the howl of the wind, and the harsh pound of rain pelleting down. Mother Nature was overpowering and overwhelming. Two weeks ago, however, the weather turned. We heard gentle breezes, bird song and the whir from wings of newly hatched lady bugs. It was all music to my ears. Eureka! This is what I wanted to represent on my piece. The many lady bugs who hitched a ride on my piece as I quilted it inspired both the final look of the piece and its name. I celebrate the music of spring.
This piece is a hand-painted cloth, quilted with rayon and metallic thread and embroidered.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Feeling the Beat
"Feeling the Beat" is my way of referencing the rhythm and pure joy of moving to music. The background is woven strips, with ecstatic dancers appliqued into their own spotlight, coming from the musical notes embedded into the background, the visual record of sound and feeling. Lots of glitter and shine to echo their joyful abandon.
Looking forward to working on "time."
Dancin' Dogwood
My original creation began as a portrait of my son playing his guitar...however... upon seeing this dogwood fabric...I envisioned its tree bark with numerous blossoms moving all around, distant "musical hills" and a musical symbol replacing smaller trees.
I must admit Music was not a theme I found easy the way to represent it. I love all kind of music but since a long time a go I get piano lessons, I ever preferred classic music when I needed to slow down, to meditate and relax.
Rock and Roll is more for when I have to clean up the house!
Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist who lived from 1770 to 1827.He was a crucial figure in the transition from classical to romantic era and remains the most acclaimed and influential composer of all time.At the age of 20 he’s hearing begins to deteriorate, caused by a « tinnitus » (a ringing » in his ears) that made it hard for him to perceive and appreciate music and even to do conversation, but he continued to compose even after becoming completely deaf. So he composed the ninth Symphony, one of the most known all over the world, in complete deafness.
My work « Homage to Ludwig van Beethoven » is done with black fabric, discharged with bleach, I added a little stripe of music from Beethoven, extrapolated of the 4. movement of the ninth Symphony « Ode to Joy ». Its entirely machine stitched.